Dear Community,
There is a health care crisis in Ontario! By allowing the for-profit delivery of surgeries, Doug Ford has threatened to turn parts of our public health care system into a for-profit model. This will leave MILLIONS of Ontarians behind!
Access to health care should never come down to what's in your bank account.
All Ontarians deserve access to health care when they need it and with only their OHIP card - never their credit card. It's time we show up and show out for more investment in public health care - NOT privatization and cuts!
On February 22 @ 5PM, join me and Toronto Area NDP MPPs along with United Steelworkers, Ontario Coalition of Hospitals United/CUPE, OPSEU, TYRLC, and more at a Rally to Stop Ford's Privatization of Health Care!
WHERE: Hospital Row - College St & University Ave
RSVP below and invite your friends!