Jill Andrew MPP, Toronto–St. Paul's

Government of Ontario

Rent Control

It's getting harder and harder to find an affordable place to rent in Toronto. Tenants are being forced to use more of their paycheques toward rent that keeps rising. Making matters worse, not all tenants are protected under Ontario's rent control laws!

The current conservative provincial government ended rent control for all new units first occupied after November 15, 2018. This includes your building. So, you could face rent increases by any amount every year, and it would be perfectly legal under current laws.

To take action and ensure all tenants are protected under rent control laws, the Ontario NDP tabled Bill 48, the Rent Control for All Tenants Act. If passed, this bill would reinstate rent control for new units, bringing all rental units in Ontario back under the protection of rent control without exception based on the arbitrary date a building was built.

Let's work together to ensure all tenants are protected under unfair rent increases and skyrocketing rents! Learn more about Bill 48 below.

Rent Control for All Tenants Act
