Come out on Thursday March 28 to join MPP Jill Andrew, in a night of skill and information sharing.
Bring your questions about AGIs, evictions, rent control, and how we can fight back against the housing crisis!
We will be joined by experts from:
Geordie Dent - Director, Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations
Karen Andrews - Staff Lawyer, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario
Thorben Wieditz - Director, Fairbnb
Helle Hulgaard - Staff Lawyer, West Toronto Community Legal Servce
Alejandra Ruiz Vargas - East York Chair, Toronto ACORN
Pat Wilkin - Board Member, St. Paul’s Tenant Associations Network
Cheryll Case - Urban Planner, Principal, CP Planning
**Venue is accesible**
**Refreshments will be provided**
March 28, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Christ Church Deer Park - 1570 Yonge St (on the west side of Yonge, north of St. Clair) **Venue is accesible**
Rory Ditchburn
· 416-656-0943