Hello Friends,
I just want to remind us all of how important it is for us to try our best to stay as calm as possible during these difficult times.
I know it isn’t always easy.
Some of us (myself included) have autoimmune diseases, immunodeficiency and other health challenges that may make our immune systems weaker than others.
Some of us are seniors who have been identified as a particularly vulnerable group.
Some of us are on ODSP/OW.
Some of us are homeless/invisibly homeless or precariously housed and unable to ‘stay home’ or uphold social distancing as well as others who have stable housing.
Some of us are contract workers like many creatives and those in the ‘gig economy’ who are feeling additional financial pressures.
Some of us are survivors who due to self-isolation may have to be physically closer to their domestic abusers than ever before
Some of us are parents/guardians concerned about the health of our children and our ability to afford childcare with the additional weeks of March Break (all public schools are closed until April 5, 2020)
Some of us are also healthcare providers who are walking into COVID-19 head on helping to keep us all safe while most of us are doing what public officials have told us to do – stay home and social distancing.
But what we all are is human.
So while we navigate COVID-19 let us remember to remain humane to ourselves and one another. Self-care, taking precautions are paramount while we continue to check in on folks remotely or through some very creative ‘social distancing parties’ that have been popping up offline and online.
In solidarity,