Ontario announced a new program to promote locally-made products today, as the economy reopens. Meanwhile, critics say the Ford government's ostensible COVID-19 recovery bill has little to do with the pandemic . As Andrea Horwath has emphasized, the bill offers nothing to help families, long-term care homes, small businesses, schools, day cares, First Nations and municipalities - all of who are reeling from the pandemic.
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) sent an open letter to all Ontario MPPs urging them to vote against Ford's so-called COVID-19 recovery bill - officially called the Reopening Ontario Act - saying the proposed legislation poses "a significant threat to democratic oversight."
Officials in Windsor-Essex called on the Ford government or the federal government to take the lead in tackling the ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks on farms in the region, citing concerns about confusion and duplicated efforts. When asked during his press conference today if his government is willing to take over the response, Ford's response was vague and non-committal. The NDP has been urging Ford to protect migrant workers, highlighting his government's total lack of a plan.
Solutions we’re pushing for:
MPP Sol Mamakwa sent a letter to Ontario's Education Minister asking for urgent support for Matawa First Nations emergency education response plan - the Ford government has failed to provide First Nations schools the funding needed to safely manage a return to school in September.
MPP Jessica Bell says Ford's so-called COVID-19 recovery bill has nothing to do with COVID-19, and grants the Premier unprecedented power to seize land without a hearing.