NDP Transit critic Jessica Bell released the following statement on Transit Day of Action, in response to the Ford Government’s plans to break up the TTC — a move she said will leave Toronto transit riders in the lurch and pave the way for privatization and sell-offs of an important public asset:
“Yesterday the Ford government quietly released its terms of reference document, which gives us a closer look at Ford’s privatizing agenda.
On Monday, we saw Ford’s plan to cozy up to developers to get new transit stations built. Now, we see a terms of reference for the subway breakup that’s a roadmap to selloffs and privatization of every part of Toronto’s subway system.
Privatizing subways — the most profitable part of the TTC — will not help with commutes to work. It will simply put money in the pockets of Doug Ford’s rich friends while taking commutes from bad to worse for the people of Toronto.
A privatized subway system is one that will be plagued by delays, longer waits, higher fares and a lack of integration with busses and streetcars.
The NDP is calling on the Ford Conservatives to slam the brakes on plans to seize control of the TTC and fund vital transit infrastructure instead of making $1.4 billion in cuts.”